A dreamer

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Garnis. 1988. Jakarta, Indonesia. Just come back from blog hiatus.

Template made by Feryal Evliya. Fonts by webfonts. And, always credit to weheartit.
black and white
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 | 1 comments

hello, peeps !
i can't believe it's already 2010. happy new year, guys ! :) this is my first post on 2010, since i'm being buzy doing my exam and final project and lazy to do some posts..hehe. but today i'm free, since this is my last day of exam..yay !

anyway, remember when i mentioned something about new year's resolution ? well actually, i, myself, didn't do it. gee.. it's not like i don't have anything to change or to achieve, i just somehow can't make it. hee.. sounds lame,eh ? -___-

at first i want to put some picts, but i haven't use my camera since ever lately. so i'm just gonna post some picts that capture my interest. i don't know why, but i found a black and white pict is cool.. and i love it.

so today's post will be just a black and white. enjoy it ! ;)

*source, source, source, source

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