of accident and temple and God
Thursday, February 7, 2013 | 0 comments
Lately I got myself injured, around three times.
I got my foot thumb cut, bleeding pretty much and I had to go to the hospital to check on it. Second one, my feet (the left one again), accidentally hit a solid metal table at Pepper Lunch Gandaria City. I mean... Hello, the previous injury wasn't heal yet, and now, the new one was already made.
And two days ago, I got my index finger got cut by a cake knife. And I was cleaning it when I got cut, not even when I'm using it... lol.
Boyfriend commented "Go to the temple please, pray" . Maybe he meant that I should pray so accident won't come near me... What a thoughtful boyfriend I got here...
Talking about my boyfriend, he's planning to go to the temple. He got some problem related with work and the government. Be though, Darling... It's just funny how he related his problem with God (I used to think that he's an atheist though, well he's kind of a good Buddhist maybe?)
But, no matter what religion we believe on, let's just pray for anything :)
Labels: heart talk
Tuesday, February 5, 2013 | 0 comments
Some of you might think that the title written wrong, but... it's written like that among my friend who's into kpop thingy.
Yeah, I think I'm going back to blog again after being away for a while.
You'll find several changes in me... I might not blogging fully in English anymore or so.
But yeah, I'm back from hiatsu :p
inspiration from seoul.
Friday, January 8, 2010 | 22 comments
hello, peeps !
it's me, back again here.. :) in the mood to write something so i decide to make today's post.
if you see the title, you'll know what i'm going to talk.
yep, inspiration from Seoul. why seoul ? because the person that inspires me is Goo Hye Sun and she's from Seoul, South Korea. and why she's inspiring me ? let me explain you..

Goo Hye Sun is an actress. the first time i saw her was on a drama series Boys Before Flowers. i like the drama, but not a fanatic one, so i don't pay lots attention to the cast. i mean, i know her role, but yeah..only know her role and her real name. that's all.
things were change when i'm accidentally found a video on youtube, which is a video of song titled goo hye sun on it. i thought she's singing and in my mind, i already underestimating her. all i know, most korean actress and actor are usually a singer too. so it's not a surprise to see her singin too.. but i don't know why, i try to listen it, only want to know how good her singing skill. but all i got is only a piano sound and yes, she's playing piano actually. the surprise is : i love her song. so i'm searching her album and fall for it.
her first album is composed by herself and it's called Sketcbook - Breathe. i'm totally loving the 8 well-composed songs. you better listen to it when you want to relaxing yourself and your mind. it's totally worth it. this is one of the song that i like, the tittle is "sound on the night rain".
and after that, i start googling about her. and i got more surprises from this girl, she's a painter and an author at the same time. she's creating an illustration book titled Tango. this book sold 30.000 copies at the first week. it's a love story book with great illustration. she made the whole illustrations and had an exhibition for it.
more of it, she's started her career as a director. yep, Goo Hye Sun is a director in the making. after directing her short movie The Madonna, she's now doing her latest project, Magic. this story take place in musical school and start shooting at the end of 2009.
she has a great style too. i love her style since she doesn't put lots of make up. her style is nice, pretty, and simple. she's been put in several photoshoots for her work and her style.

so, she acts in drama, a director, author, painter, composed her own song, playing piano and sing. i wonder what she can't do ? things that i can learn from her is that we're young, but it doesn't mean we can't achieve lots of thing in one time. she's 25 years old but she already get lots of achievement and that's inspire me. i have lots of dream, just like her, and i'm on my way to realize it. dare to dream, brave to achieve it.
so, who's the person that inspires you ? :)
Labels: goo hye sun, heart talk
black and white
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 | 1 comments
hello, peeps !
i can't believe it's already 2010. happy new year, guys ! :) this is my first post on 2010, since i'm being buzy doing my exam and final project and lazy to do some posts..hehe. but today i'm free, since this is my last day of exam..yay !
anyway, remember when i mentioned something about new year's resolution ? well actually, i, myself, didn't do it. gee.. it's not like i don't have anything to change or to achieve, i just somehow can't make it. hee.. sounds lame,eh ? -___-
at first i want to put some picts, but i haven't use my camera since ever lately. so i'm just gonna post some picts that capture my interest. i don't know why, but i found a black and white pict is cool.. and i love it.
so today's post will be just a black and white. enjoy it ! ;)

*source, source, source, source
Labels: loving it to the max, pictures
december gonna end soon.
Sunday, December 20, 2009 | 4 comments
yohoo, how are you peeps ?
been a while since my last post..am such a lazy blogger, my bad..gee. don't blame me, blame those assignment(s) and final exam(s)..hihihi.
i'm doing my final project now, it's getting serious (more than everrr..). wish me luck, so i can graduate next year and continue my study..hehehehe.. :D bunch of thanks for noomie, fheny, and riati who gave me support on my final project..we should meet up soon ! :D
enough about academic life. how's your day, peeps ?
mine is so fluctuative that sometimes i'm feeling good or bad, in the same day. gee..
so, me and the girls were having fun this Thursday. we held a monthly arisan, just to keep in touch since we're rarely meet each other after we get on 4th grade this year..
this month arisan were host by Wulan and Avni. as a host, you have to choose the place to meet and the dresscode. at this december, the dresscode is dress (simple, right ? both of them are running out of idea because of the exams..hehe) and it took place at TreeHouse at Jl. Imam Bonjol, Bandung. the place and the food are quiet great, good ambience ! and if you lovetaking pictures, you gotta love this lace..hehe.
here are some picts of the arisan..

grey dress - matilda black blazer - mom's wedges - unbranded big white ring - KL, gift from Molin

congratulations, you both are the next month host ! :D
*the rest of the picts can be seen on my fb profile, we got more than 150 picts taken.. ;p*
and since december gonna end soon, have you all made your 2010's resolutions ? hehe..
happy holiday, guys ! :)
Labels: cullinary travel, fun time, loving it to the max, momento amigosa
back from hiatus
Friday, December 11, 2009 | 2 comments
hello, peeps ! :D
today is friday (TGIF!) and i've just done my last class for this term, the neurobiology class. yippie. ok, i'm just pretending that everything is fine while it's not. gee..i'm already on the last year and soooo close with the graduation.and i still don't know what to do with my life after the graduation..haa. ok, i prefer to skip it.. >.<
anyway, i'm just back from lampung this monday. lampung is located in sumatera island, it's quite near from java island. i went there with the whole part of aquaculture class. we spent 3 days there, coming to a company working on shrimp hatchery.. :) it's been fun, going to post the picts later.. i went snorkeling too there.. it's great while you forgot how to breath with your nose and use the mouth instead. the world under the sea is beautiful.. you should go try it someday.. :)
anyway, i'm just back from lampung this monday. lampung is located in sumatera island, it's quite near from java island. i went there with the whole part of aquaculture class. we spent 3 days there, coming to a company working on shrimp hatchery.. :) it's been fun, going to post the picts later.. i went snorkeling too there.. it's great while you forgot how to breath with your nose and use the mouth instead. the world under the sea is beautiful.. you should go try it someday.. :)
haa. i'm talking too much..hehe.
i'm such a movie freak actually and i've watched several movies lately. they're :

it's great, but the story is too short and rather standard. the effect is quite good.
i enjoy RAIN much here.. ;)
i enjoy RAIN much here.. ;)
and since holliday is coming, i'm going to spent a little time to watch :

hmm. lots of movies to watch..hihihi. i'm so ready for holiday.. :)
so, what movie did you've watched lately ?
so, what movie did you've watched lately ?
Labels: fun time, loving it to the max, movie, new moon, RAIN
doodles doodles !
Friday, November 20, 2009 | 12 comments

Wihii..last night my blogger friend, Noomie, gave me this illustration.
She's totally having a great talent on making illustration. Several of my friends liking it.
Me ? No doubt on it. Super loving this illustation !! <3
And I'm already put this pict on my FB and Twitter profile.. :)
Thank You, Noomie !!!
She's totally having a great talent on making illustration. Several of my friends liking it.
Me ? No doubt on it. Super loving this illustation !! <3
And I'm already put this pict on my FB and Twitter profile.. :)
Thank You, Noomie !!!
Labels: itsy bitsy, loving it to the max